(Sept 22, 2016) Water and Global Health:Örmeci to focus on critical water issues in building on Carleton’s international research profile and interdisciplinary expertise
Carleton University today announced the appointment of Banu Örmeci, professor and Canada Research Chair in Wastewater and Public Health Engineering, as the first Jarislowsky Chair in Water and Global Health.
“Providing safe drinking water and adequate wastewater treatment is very important for the protection of public health and environment, and I am looking forward to working with my colleagues to establish one of the leading international water research institutes at Carleton,” said Örmeci. “Taking this opportunity, I would also like to thank the Jarislowsky Foundation for funding and supporting such an important cause.”
This $4-million endowed research chair will make significant contributions to the critical challenges of water and public health. It’s an academic position that will help provide safe drinking water and improved sanitation to communities across Canada and around the globe.
1.1 billion people worldwide lack access to clean drinking water
“With approximately 1.1 billion people worldwide lacking access to clean drinking water, we see our research playing a key role in finding solutions,” said Nimal Rajapakse, vice-president (Research and International). “We’re honoured to have Prof. Örmeci lead this research and mentor the graduate students who work with her.”
The Jarislowsky Chair builds on Carleton’s existing academic and research leadership on water issues—particularly wastewater treatment. Faculty members lead promising applied water-related research from various disciplines, including engineering, public policy, environmental monitoring and health.
“Carleton has a distinguished track record in the field of ground water research and developing multidisciplinary solutions to community and global issues,” said foundation President Stephen Jarislowsky, founder and chairman of the board of one of Canada’s largest and most successful investment management firms. ”Water is increasingly a critical health and environmental issue in Canada and around the world and the foundation is pleased to partner with the university, its faculty and its students in tackling this critical challenge.”
The Chair will be situated in the research-intensive Faculty of Engineering and Design (FED), specifically the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, but all activities will be interdisciplinary and pan-university.
Water and Global Health: Innovative solutions to address a universal need
“The Jarislowsky Chair will propose innovative solutions to address a universal need,” said Rafik Goubran, dean of FED. “By considering the engineering, environmental, public policy, and health implications of developing new processes and technology, Prof. Örmeci will ensure that we are serving the global community in the best possible manner.”
The Jarislowsky Chair in Water and Global Health is part of the university’s $300-million fundraising effort, Collaborate, which recently hit the $200-million milestone of the campaign. Through this campaign—the largest in Carleton history—the university is engaging partners, philanthropists, students, faculty, staff and alumni to invest in key priorities that will realize change and progress in society. On the eve of its 75th anniversary, the campaign renews Carleton’s founding mandate to be “Here for Good” – to advance education and knowledge as a force for the economic, social and common good of the community we serve.
About Carleton University
Carleton University is a dynamic, interdisciplinary research-intensive institution with a creative international approach to research that has led to many significant discoveries and works in science and engineering, business, public affairs and the arts. Home to many noted award-winning researchers, Carleton is uniquely committed to discovery, knowledge, and understanding of the world around us.
Carleton University’s location in Ottawa—the nation’s capital allows unique access for our researchers across many disciplines to such places as Canada’s national labs and museums, Library and Archives Canada, federal government departments, and of course, Parliament Hill.
Through the building of sustainable communities, we foster new ideas to create a more prosperous future for Canada and the world.
About the Jarislowsky Foundation
The Montreal-based Jarislowsky Foundation was created in 1991 and is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. The foundation’s mission is the promotion, support and advancement of excellence in education, medicine and the arts. The foundation fulfills its mission by creating Chairs that bring international excellence to the university/organization on a permanent basis.
Since its inception, The Jarislowsky Foundation endowed 30 Chairs across Canada. Of the 30 Chairs, 25 are university Chairs. The others are endowments in other Canadian organizations such as the Banff Centre, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, the Audain Art Museum Foundation, FAIR Canada and the Institut sur la gouvernance d’organisations privées et publiques (IGOPP). Mr. Jarislowsky, the president of the Jarislowsky Foundation, is the co-founder and director of the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance, IGOPP and FAIR Canada.