The Carleton University Research Achievement Awards are administered by the Office of the Vice-President (Research and International). The purpose of these awards is to recognize outstanding research achievements. The awards were established in 1989 to enhance the quality of research and to recognize research excellence.
See this year’s Research Achievement Awards.
- Kyle Biggar, Biochemistry
- Scott Bucking, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Francine Darroch, Health Sciences
- Christina Gabriel, Political Science
- Andrew Harris, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Abid Hussain, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Guoliang Frank Jiang, Sprott School of Business
- Azar Masoumi, Sociology and Anthropology
- Stéfy McKnight, Journalism and Communication
- Murray Richardson, Geography and Environmental Studies
- Adrian Chan, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
- Kristin Connor, Department of Health Sciences
- Steven Cooke, Institute of Environmental and Interdisciplinary Science and Department of Biology
- Linda Duxbury, Sprott School of Business
- Jennifer Evans, Department of History
- Kelly Fritsch, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
- Liam O’Brien, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Carlos Rossa, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
- Stephan Schott, School of Public Policy and Administration
- Erin Tolley, Department of Political Science
- Mohamed Al Guindy, Sprott School of Business
- John Anderson, Department of Cognitive Science
- Jenny Bruin, Department of Biology
- Rachel Burns, Department of Psychology
- Matthew Johnson, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Heath MacMillan, Department of Biology
- Ashraf Matrawy, School of Information Technology
- Leila Mostaço-Guidolin, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
- Dipto Sarkar, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
- Paul Villeneuve, School of Mathematics, Department of Health Sciences, and Department of Neuroscience
- Prosenjit Bose, School of Computer Science
- Sonia Chiasson, School of Computer Science
- Cynthia Cruickshank, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Laura Horak, School for Studies in Art and Culture: Film Studies
- Andrea Howard, Department of Psychology
- Victoria McArthur, School of Journalism and Communication
- Jeffrey Monaghan, Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Isaac Otchere, Sprott School of Business
- Hongyu Sun, Department of Neuroscience
- Richard Yu, School of Information Technology
- Andy Adler, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
- Patricia Ballamingie, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
- Doris Buss, Department of Law and Legal Studies
- Michael Hildebrand, Department of Neuroscience
- Hashmat Khan, Department of Economics
- Uma Kumar, Sprott School of Business
- Hillary Maddin, Department of Earth Sciences
- Johanna Peetz, Department of Psychology
- Oren Petel, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Steve Ulrich, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Peter Andrée, Department of Political Science
- Onita D. Basu, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Mark Boulay, Department of Physics
- Sarah Phillips Casteel, Department of English Language and Literature
- Robert J. Coplan, Department of Psychology
- Angela M. Dionisi, Sprott School of Business
- Burak Gunay, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Rowan Thomson, Department of Physics
- Matthew Daniel Webb, Department of Economics
- Alex Wong, Department of Biology
- Stephen Godfrey, Department of Physics
- James Green, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
- Norman Hillmer, Department of History
- Philip Kaisary, Department of Law and Legal Studies
- Barbara Leckie, Department of English Language and Literature, and the Institute for the Comparative Study of Literature, Art, and Culture
- Marina Milyavskaya, Department of Psychology
- Luciara Nardon, Sprott School of Business
- Hanika Rizo, Department of Earth Sciences
- Thomas Sherratt, Department of Biology
- Halim Yanikomeroglu, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
- Jacques Albert, Department of Electronics
- Richard Amos, Department of Environmental Science/Earth Science
- Andrea Chandler, Department of Political Science
- Greg Fisher, College of the Humanities
- Mark Forbes, Department of Biology
- Marie-Odile Junker, School of Linguistics and Language Studies
- Jie Liu, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- José I. Rojas-Méndez, Sprott School of Business
- William Walters, Department of Political Science/Department of Sociology and Anthropology
- Michael Wohl, Department of Psychology
- Ian Beausoleil-Morrison, Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- William Cross, Professor, Department of Political Science
- Audrey Girouard, Assistant Professor, School of Information Technology
- Susanne Klausen, Associate Professor, Department of History
- Peter Xiaoping Liu, Professor, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
- Paul Mkandawire, Assistant Professor, Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies
- John Oommen, Chancellor’s Professor, School of Computer Science
- Ken Storey, Professor and Canada Research Chair, Department of Biology and Department of Chemistry
- Sujit Sur, Associate Professor, Sprott School of Business
- William Willmore, Associate Professor, Institute of Biochemistry
- Alain Bellerive, Professor, Department of Physics
- Steven Cooke, Associate Professor, Institute of Environmental Science and Department of Biology
- Linda Duxbury, Professor, Sprott School of Business
- Jennifer Evans, Associate Professor, Department of History
- Vinod Kumar, Professor, Sprott School of Business
- Ronald Miller, Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Liam (William) O’Brien, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Banu Örmeci, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Mark Salber Phillips, Professor, Department of History and the Institute of Comparative Studies in Literature, Arts and Culture
- Monique Sénéchal, Professor, Department of Psychology
- Sarah Brouillette, Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature
- Jean-Guy Godin, Chancellor’s Professor, Department of Biology
- Matthew Holahan, Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience
- Elyn Humphreys, Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
- Matthew Johnson, Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Stuart J. Murray, Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, Department of English Language and Literature
- Margaret H. Ogilvie, Chancellor’s Professor, Department of Law and Legal Studies
- Nicolas Papadopoulos, Chancellor’s Professor, Sprott School of Business
- Fiona Robinson, Professor, Department of Political Science
- Gabriel Wainer, Professor, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
- Craig Bennell, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
- Adrian Chan, Associate Professor, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
- Vida Dujović, Assistant Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics
- George Hadjisophocleous, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Gita Ljubicic, Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering
- Heather Logan, Associate Professor, Department of Physics
- Laura Macdonald, Professor, Department of Political Science
- Daniel Panario, Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics
- Yiagadeesen Samy, Associate Professor, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs
- Winnie Ye, Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, Department of Electronics
- Amir Banihashemi,Professor, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
- Frank Dehne, Chancellor’s Professor, Department of Computer Science
- Dana Dragunoiu, Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature
- Randall Germain, Professor, Department of Political Science
- Anatoli Ianoul, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry
- Uma Kumar, Professor, Sprott School of Business
- Thomas Kunz, Professor, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
- James Opp, Associate Professor, Department of History
- Richard Yu, Associate Professor, School of Information Technology
- John Zelenski, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
- Ingela Alger, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics
- Claudio Aporta, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
- Maria DeRosa, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry
- Lenore Fahrig, Professor, Department of Biology
- Paul Keen, Professor, Department of English Language and Literature
- Edgar Matida, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Steven Murphy, Associate Professor, Sprott School of Business
- Michel Rod, Associate Professor, Sprott School of Business
- David Rogers, Professor, Department of Physics
- Paul Simms, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Frances Abele, Professor, School of Public Policy and Administration
- Alfonso Abizaid, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
- Ramachandra Achar, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics
- Christopher Burn, Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
- Amedeo D’Angiulli, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
- Ashkan Golshani, Associate Professor, Department of Biology
- Joanna Pozzulo, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
- Nicola Santoro, Professor, School of Computer Science
- Brett Stevens, Associate Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics
- Qi-Jun Zhang, Professor, Department of Electronics
- Jacques Albert, Electronics
- Hugh Armstrong, Social Work and Political Economy
- Robert Coplan, Psychology
- Frank Elgar, Psychology
- Louise Heslop, Sprott School of Business
- Xiao Huang, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Pat Morin, Computer Science
- Tom Sherratt, Biology
- William Walters, Political Science and Sociology/Anthropology
- Halim Yanikomeroglu, Systems and Computer Engineering
- Andy Adler, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
- Donald Beecher, Department of English Language and Literature
- Andrea Doucet, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
- O. Burkan Isgor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lynda Khalaf, Department of Economics
- Michel Nakhla, Department of Electronics
- John Oommen, School of Computer Science
- Isaac Otchere, Sprott School of Business
- Ken Storey, Departments of Biology and Chemistry and the Institute of Biochemistry
- Michael Wohl, Department of Psychology
- Peter X. Liu, Department of System and Computer Engineering
- Shawn Hayley, Department of Psychology
- William Cross, Department of Political Science
- Steven J. Cooke, Institute of Environmental Science and Department of Biology
- Vinod Kumar, Sprott School of Business
- Jo-Anne LeFevre, Department of Psychology
- Michèle Martin, School of Journalism and Communication
- Pudupadi Sundararajan, Department of Chemistry
- Xin Wang, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Garry Tarr, Department of Electronics
- Hymie Anisman, Department of Psychology
- Amir Banihashemi, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
- Prosenjit Bose, School of Computer Science
- Stephen Godfrey, Department of Physics
- Junjie Gu, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Margaret Ogilvie, Department of Law
- Banu Ormeci, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Mark Phillips, Institute for Comparative Studies in Literature, Art and Culture; Department of History
- Wayne Z.Y. Wang, Department of Chemistry
- Zhihao Yu, Department of Economics
- Michael Armstrong, Sprott School of Business
- Manuel Baez, School of Architecture
- Michel Barbeau, School of Computer Science
- Bruce Curtis, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
- Uma Kumar, Sprott School of Business
- Kimberly Matheson, Department of Psychology
- Ronald E. Miller, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Daniel Panario, School of Mathematics and Statistics
- Paul Van Geel, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Gabriel Wainer, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
- Priscilla Walton, Department of English Language and Literature
- Jack Kelly, Department of Psychology
- Marie-Odile Junker, Department of French
- Rafik Goubran, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
- Thomas Kunz, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
- Ramachandra Achar, Department of Electronics
- Karim Karim, School of Journalism and Communication
- Ramo Gencay, Department of Economics
- David Sinclair, Department of Physics
- Mark Forbes, Department of Biology
- John Clarke, Department of Geography & Environmental Sciences
- Fred Nitzsche, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- David Lau, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Wayne Parker, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Yassar Hassan, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- William Walters, Department of Political Science
- Michiel Smid, School of Computer Science
- Ken Storey, Department of Biology/Department of Chemistry
- Lenore Fahrig, Department of Biology
- Thomas Sherratt, Department of Biology
- Jacques Chevalier, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
- A. B. McKillop, Department of History
- Alan Hunt, Department of Sociology and Anthropology; Department of Law
- Rob Coplan, Department of Psychology
- Huntley Schaller, Department of Economics
- Bruce Doern, School of Public Policy and Administration
- Tim Patterson, Department of Earth Sciences
- Giles Santyr, Department of Physics
- Stephen Godfrey, Department of Physics
- John Oommen, School of Computer Science
- Sivarama Dandamudi, School of Computer Science
- Hymie Anisman, Department of Psychology
- Andrew Brook, Department of Philosophy/Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies
- Bruce Pappas, Department of Psychology
- Paul Keen, Department of English Language and Literature
- Lionel Briand, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
- Q. J. Zhang, Department of Electronics
- Vinod Kumar, School of Business
- Prosenjit Bose, School of Computer Science
- Z. Y. Wang, Department of Chemistry
- Nicola Santoro, School of Computer Science
- Dan McIntyre, Department of Psychology
- Bruce Curtis, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
- James Wight, Department of Electronics
- I. Lambadaris, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
- J. Humar, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Fen Hampson, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs
- Z. Chen, Department of Economics
- David Carment, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs
- D. Karlen, Department of Physics
- Jorg Sack, School of Computer Science