Carleton University is proud to have two of our researchers—Jennifer Bruin and Laura Horak—among the eight recipients of the 2025 Dorothy Killam Fellowships (formerly the Killam Research Fellowships).

These national awards, funded and administered by the Killam Trusts, celebrate Canada’s most distinguished researchers in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences and engineering.

Headshots of Laura Horak and Jenny Bruin
Laura Horak and Jenny Bruin

Jennifer Bruin, an associate professor in the Department of Biology received her Fellowship for her work in examining how chronic exposure to environmental pollutants contributes to rising global diabetes rates.

Film Studies professor Laura Horak has been recognized for her research in building a trans-inclusive media culture in Canada.

Learn more in our official announcement.

Past Killam Prizes

  • 2014: D. R. Fraser Taylor, Killam Prize in the Social Sciences and Manuella Vincter, Killam Research Fellowship
  • 2010: Marie-Odile Junker, Killam Research Fellowship
  • 1993: Kenneth Storey, Killam Fellowship for Biology
  • 1985: J. A. Koningstein, Killam Fellowship for Chemistry
  • 1978: Miklos Csorgo, Killam Fellowship for Mathematics
  • 1977: Donald Dawson, Killam Fellowship for Mathematics
  • 1977: Kenneth McRae, Killam Fellowship for Political Science

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