“The individual and societal costs of mental health problems in childhood are substantial and well-known. We know far less, however, about how mental health difficulties in childhood impact children’s learning and experiences at school. The overarching goal of my research program is to bring together these two sustaining and meaningful domains of child development—mental health and education. By advancing our understanding of child and youth mental health and its associated educational impacts, we can identify ways to fundamentally divert negative trajectories of some of our most vulnerable citizens.”
Maria Rogers’ research brings together mental health and education to improve our understanding of how they interact in children and youth. Education is one of the primary social determinants of health, and her ultimate goal is to help nurture success at school and beyond. Rogers and her research team are looking at the child and family health needs of children and youth who are chronically absent from school. More children are missing school than ever before and Rogers is seeking to understand the links between school absenteeism and child and family health.
For Maria Rogers’ full profile, click here.